Perfectly boil eggs

perfectly boil eggs

Hi everyone. I have started a new section called How To’s in my blog. There I will share some basic tips/ideas on some common tasks that you would encounter while cooking. I hope this new initiative will help those who are new to cooking and also to others.

It is always tricky to boil eggs. I know it’s a very simple task but to get a perfectly boiled egg is akin to finding an oasis in the middle of a desert! I recently came across a novel way of perfectly boiling eggs using an oven. I tried and it did work! And so here is the first post in my How To’s on how to perfectly boil eggs.

First preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the eggs on a muffin tray.

perfectly boil eggs

Place them in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.

perfectly boil eggs

Fill a bowl with ice cubes just five minutes before taking out the eggs.

perfectly boil eggs

Add running cold tap water to the bowl and keep it ready.

perfectly boil eggs

After 30 minutes take out the muffin tray and shock the eggs by immediately placing them in the ice filled bowl.

perfectly boil eggs

Take them out, break and peel the shells and tadaaaaa. 🙂

perfectly boil eggs Cut them and have them as you desire.

perfectly boil eggs

Here I have added little salt and pepper.

perfectly boil eggs

Or as a salad by adding them with chopped avocados drizzled with lemon juice, salt and pepper for the perfect breakfast.

perfectly boil eggs

For those who don’t have a conventional oven, you fill the sauce pan with water and add the eggs. Boil them for 15 minutes. Take them out and leave it for 5 minutes. Then shock them and peel the shell. I will add the step by instructions soon. 🙂

perfectly boil eggs

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